Tuesday, April 29, 2008

mi esposo...

At least thats how I think you spell it.
My Husband.I know I talk about him often, but he's the best. Well, this week is really about him. He is graduating on Friday as a "Master of Science in Kinesiology". I'm so proud. My hero. This is definitely an accomplishment for him he has been working on it for quite some time. He has been a busy studying bee since last year and all his hard work has finally paid off. His mom is flying in to see him walk which we are so excited for. Joni Erickson-Tada is speaking at the commencement. She is quite the speaker and person. I'm so happy for my hubby. If you see him tell him congrats, he's earned it!

1 comment:

Vizthum's Life said...

Oh my gosh, it came up quick! That is so wonderful! Congrats to him and you! It did take some patience on your part I am sure. Patience when he is studying, and you want to do something a little more fun. :)
I hope you guys are doing well.

Becks and Jase (and Miss Abigail too)