Sunday, March 1, 2009

How to pray for us

I didn't forget about this blog. I've been contemplating telling a story and just didn't have the guts for it yet. Plus I have a short attention span and usually forget all those "I should blog about this" stories when i get a chance to sit and do it. So i guess here goes.

Since forever, or as long as I can remember, I've wanted to be a parent. Until now I never cared if I actually gave birth to my children or if we bought them or someone just randomly gave us some kids. We are in a place where its actually possible and becoming more of a reality everyday to REALLY become parents. As the saying goes, you have to start somewhere, so thats where we are. We are trying to conceive. God bless the people who can conceive one drunken night but for us, It is not going well. I have a really amazing husband. He has been so supportive, loving and definitely wins the husband of the year award. We had a couple of "tests" done this week, he was happy to learn that he is a "real man" or as our friend so kindly dubbed him a "potent polynesian" (el potante for short).

My hubby always makes me laugh and through the last month and a half of tests he has definitely helped me see the sunshine through his jokes. I have lived with the fear of not being able to conceive for 9 years now and because my God loves me so much he has given us true friends to go through this with. I used to be very scared and ashamed to tell anyone what was going on but the truth is it actually is easier to let people know then to hold it all in.
I really had a hard time understanding how to "give this to God" as everyone will tell you to do when you are in a tough situation. It wasn't until we decided to seek medical help that this became reality for me. I'm in a really good place with God right now. I feel peaceful and quite relieved actually. I think because it is completely out of my hands at this point. I had no choice but to ask for help and give it away. If you would, please pray for us. I figure its like writing a letter to the governor, the more people you have writing, the better response you might get. Here's how to pray for us:

~That we would remain peaceful and relieved
~That God would use our Dr's to speak wisdom and knowledge to us
~That regardless of the outcome, God would be praised and His presence and hope for eternity known.
~We would be a light to others and give them the only hope that is 100% guaranteed



Whittaker Woman said...

thank you for sharing! H

Shan said...


MsViz said...

You know one way or another you and Mikee will have beautiful babies. Breath, relax. I would have suggested the drinking thing. I can't tell you how many people wanted to name their kids margarita or Jack Daniels, but it doesn't seem to work for people who are actually trying.

Daniel Balboa said...

Here for you.

Julie McCoy said...

We'll be praying :)

TimAprilA said...

Well.. you put it so well... And for sure I will be praying... Im in the same boat... so I know for sure what you are dealing with...all we have is to look forward to what God has in store for us... and to know that gives us more reassurance even though it is not our time but HIS time!! God Bless you Amanda... I will be praying...!!!

Anonymous said...

you know what? I've been praying for you to have a baby since before you married mikie. Ok that sounds weird. But anyways I love you and mike!!

Anonymous said...
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Angie Funches said...

Praying for you! There are many babies in this world that need wonderful parents. I pray that God will show you his perfect plan for you and your hubby and that he will fill you with His perfect peace and understanding. Blessings

Anonymous said...

I will pray for you my friend! You are such a special girl and you will be a "fan--tabulous" mother! (yes that is a word. it's a mom word!)