Wednesday, June 10, 2009


in T minus 5 days. woot.
We go to Hawaii at least twice a year. My hubby grew up on Oahu and much of his family is still there. This trip is special though. We get to take a few friends with us this time. My brother, sister-in-law and niece live on Maui and we are going to stay with them a few days too. The irony is that Mikes mom has been staying with us for a week here in Cali and she's flying back with us next week, but she has some work to do on other islands so we wont even see her until late in the week. Of all the times I've been to Hawaii there is still so much I haven't done. Eat shave ice for one. Never had it in HI ever. Thats on my list to do this time. Since we are avid followers of LOST
we will be trying to drive and see some of the "islands secrets" or places they film! :)
I always worry about posting TOO much info just in case some crazy is reading, but robbers beware we already have a house guest/sitter for the week and our neighbors keep watch for us too.
Maybe when we get back we can move into our new house???? ugg...the joys of home ownership. Carpet is getting installed tomorrow which is helping me feel very accomplished these days. Now if only the kitchen was put back can only hope.


MsViz said...

Oh photos of the Lost locals! I love Lost too. So weird and just sucks me in every time. Have fun sweets!

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with Aunt Sally photos of the lost locations must be taken and shared with us. :)

Angie Funches said...

Have a blast! Enjoy your time away and with your hubby :-)